Two-exhibit prelude to Caminarte at historic Casa Ortiz on evening of April 5
“Forgotten Spring”Art Show and the brilliant colors and forms of Rachel Morales
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“Forgotten Spring”Art Show and the brilliant colors and forms of Rachel Morales
Prolific and praised multidisciplinary artist and curator is a founder of the Los Outsider collective
April 20 and 21 at TAMIU Fine and Performing Arts Center
Red Carpet Social begins at 4 p.m.; awards watch party at 6 p.m
April 12 installation unveiling includes music, dance and theater
Concert open to the public
Public invited to the excitement of opening night and Saturday, March 2 artist talk 3 to 5p.m.
Thinking about the legacy I want to leave, as an artist, human being/community member, for my family. The projects I want to get to, how best to contribute to a more just society, the relationships I want to cultivate, how I want to feel about myself in the years that remain.
Jesus Treviño’s art is rooted in unresolved tensions, histories of movement, and displacement of people
Legendary dancer Altagracia Azios García leads performance