The Re-Con
The etymology of home
“Dozens of fireflies glittered like streetlights twinkling in a distant city whose name I didn’t yet know…”
LareDOS[redux] (
“Dozens of fireflies glittered like streetlights twinkling in a distant city whose name I didn’t yet know…”
Mann Act: the Color Line was drawn most prominently at the bedroom door of white women
“…we stood on the edge of a field where, on a September morning in 1862, the blood of 12,000 men — wounded and dead — soaked the soil. “
Vaquero Cleaners staff know their customers
Before sweet dreams there was a last look at bright stars on a nightscape of no ambient light
Or had he been dispatched to the Big Kennel in the Sky?
45 years later the gunshot called up the echo of Kent State, My Lai, Tet, Walter Cronkite, Saigon, Berkeley, Bobby Kennedy, Woodstock, Nixon, Weathermen, Memphis, Martin Luther King Jr.
He was 58, but looked like 100 years-old.
Like Lawrence, Leary and Cantinflas, like Highsmith, García Márquez stopped here