Government and Politics
Ricardo Rangel, Daisy Campos Rodriguez square off for Council District 2
Nov. 8 General Election will decide who will take on the needs of this growing sector of the City.
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Nov. 8 General Election will decide who will take on the needs of this growing sector of the City.
Here are the District 1 responses by candidates Gigi Rodriguez, Maxine Rebeles, Gilbert Gonzalez, and Patty Tijerina San Miguel. Responses for all Council candidates and the Mayor are forthcoming.
Clean water and taxes on priorities list
Early voting begins Oct. 24, 2022
Goals include to enhance overall progress of the City
Former Fire Chief and Emergency Management Coordinator to come on board Aug. 1
Teniente’s goal: attract and retain a quality workforce to develop succession plan for next generation of leaders
Firefighter Ricky Jaime and incumbent Cindy Liendo in runoff for Pct. 4 Commissioner’s seat
Eight incumbents face challengers; 13 have no opposition in March 1 Primary Election
Jaime offers fresh perspective to deal with Pct. 4’s under-representation