Commentary & Opinion
Senator Judith Zaffirini’s statement regarding the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol
The world witnessed a shameful attempt at mob rule
LareDOS[redux] (
The world witnessed a shameful attempt at mob rule
Cynical, lacking personal honor Ted Cruz is willing to sell our democracy for another shot at being President
Congressman Schiff: Trump’s Constitutional crimes, his crime against the American people and the nation, remain in progress
Roberto Balli trounced; Gutierrez unseats incumbent Nelly Vielma
This is not leadership; it is blatant demagoguery, and they follow lemming-like into the abyss of iniquity
Will the majority of the U.S. voting public maintain its convenient ignorance of the anti-Black and anti-African racism that permeates both the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice (sic)?
In a field of 6 candidates, she drew 2,122 votes to the incumbent’s 1,102 votes
The president proclaimed himself God’s chosen one; it appears the Almighty has chosen someone else
Council votes 5-3 to continue investigation into distribution of CARES-Act food for political gain
DC Politicians on $1 Billion spending spree to prop up flagging re-election campaign; Laredo residents will pay the price.