The Re-Con
A year in the gutter: that thin straight canyon where one page meets the next
Knowing is better than not knowing, so I read
LareDOS[redux] (
Knowing is better than not knowing, so I read
Manifestations of voter suppression are red hued and many
It tilts north, a departure from all the other upright German stones around it.
“Dozens of fireflies glittered like streetlights twinkling in a distant city whose name I didn’t yet know…”
“…we stood on the edge of a field where, on a September morning in 1862, the blood of 12,000 men — wounded and dead — soaked the soil. “
45 years later the gunshot called up the echo of Kent State, My Lai, Tet, Walter Cronkite, Saigon, Berkeley, Bobby Kennedy, Woodstock, Nixon, Weathermen, Memphis, Martin Luther King Jr.
“How long before someone and then someone else steps over that line, crosses the gates and barriers, and strikes the fatal blows against the source of the stench skulking out of the east and drags it across the gutter and off into history?”
Where racism lives and thrives: no complex diagnosis required.
The star’s mangled banter, despotic, doth wail