Government and Politics
District V incumbent Nelly Vielma faces challengers George M. Beckelhymer, Ruben Gutierrez Jr., and Celestino Marina
General election Nov. 3; early voting begins Oct. 13
LareDOS[redux] (
General election Nov. 3; early voting begins Oct. 13
Contrasts are informative
Nine candidates in field for District VII
Compelling accounts in EXHIBITS 2, 3, 4 about hateful, racist, misogynistic “I’m 10-15” Facebook page
Enthusiasm and social distancing highlighted Monday’s mid-morning NoBorderWall protest on the grounds of the Federal Courthouse downtown.
Recent communiqué: they’re on it! Skepticism abounds
A gust of wind sent my hat sailing down the road like a tumbleweed. So much depended on that hat.
Construction of obstacle course has been requested for more than a decade
The mothers were the heartbeat of the Colonia Guadalupe
Casa de Misericordia: (956) 712-9590