The candidate of MAGA and the Republican Party is a mentally flailing, deceitful egomaniacal demagogue with an exaggerated sense of self-importance and delusions of grandeur who shows no empathy, lacks moral values, openly manifests misogyny, and has engaged in criminal and unlawful behavior

Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton: Trump is a despot, an authoritarian who views the world through the prism of what is good or convenient for him and does not care about American citizens

World War II began because one man’s demented drive to overpower democratic nations brought the despotic governments of Italy and Japan into a military conspiracy to dominate other nations

When you vote in Nov. remember that Trump – the bigoted, selfish, egotistic, adjudicated rapist, and convicted felon – has openly called persons who fought and died for our country “suckers” and “losers;” and that feigning “bone spurs,” he avoided the military draft during our country’s war in Vietnam

Abbot’s inhumane razor wire answer to immigration, a lawn sign in 96% ethnic Mexican Laredo crowing “Teach the ABC’s, not CRT,” and a non-law enforcement man wearing a shoulder holstered semi-automatic pistol to breakfast in a local family restaurant: evidence that our national sociopolitical malaise abounds

Vote for representation by true servants of the people, not power-hungry politicos or their MAGA fanatics ranting hate and instilling fear