Don’t vote for the adjudicated rapist who is a vitriolic defamer of women; Don’t vote for the mentally unfit man and his proclivities of sociopathy, pathological narcissism, and instigating others to violence

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The First Amendment of the Constitution guarantees freedom of the press, including unbiased reporting, publishing national opinion columns, and allowing citizens to express ideas without fear of government interference. Reading about Donald Trump’s success in the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary election was amusingly entertaining, especially with Laredo’s Republican “leadership’s” wistful comments. Calling Donald Trump’s multiple civil and criminal indictments “frivolous” demonstrated ignorance or deliberate blindness of the Constitution.

Two Laredoans interviewed support Donald Trump, a grossly immoral and deeply unintelligent person judged guilty of rape and sued twice by jury for his uncontrolled vitriolic defamation of the woman he sexually assaulted. The ex-president must pay $5 million plus $83.3 million for his non-stop loud-mouthed malevolent slander. The upcoming multiple criminal trials are anything but “frivolous.” They are legitimate American justice endeavors to punish Trump’s deranged behavior.

Boasting support of adjudicated rapist Donald Trump exhibits utter disregard for justice. Upon enlisting in the military in 1967, this writer swore “to defend and protect our country against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Law enforcement officers, like U.S. Border Patrol, likewise take an oath. Licensed professional mental health experts deem Donald Trump such an enemy; a “clear and present danger to the United States.”  Parroting MAGA duplicity, Laredo’s Border Patrol Union “leader” forewent his constitutional avowal, unwittingly conceding aid and comfort to a would-be tyrant who incited violent insurrection. Pro-Trump zealotry additionally insinuates favoring maltreatment of women.

Among his many instances of profound empty-headedness, Trump stated COVID would go away by taking horse medication or injecting bleach or introducing ultraviolet light into the lungs. He also paid $130,000 to a pornographic performer to keep quiet about a tryst they had while Mrs. Trump was recovering from birthing. Insanity coupled with desperation is never a good thing.

In psychiatry professor Dr. Bandy Lee’s “Profile of a Nation: Trump’s Mind, America’s Soul,” psychiatrists and psychologists effectively describe Trump. The following are professional statements, unlike conspiracy theory falsehoods expounded by FOX “news”, Truth Social, or MAGA cultists’ simplistic bleating: “Trump is a threat to others, and society must be protected.” Trump’s “two proclivities… are sociopathy and pathological narcissism.” He is dangerous, mentally unfit, and criminally responsible for instigating others to violence. Trump overtly exhibits “antisocial disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.”

Describing Trump’s unmistakable traits, Dr. C. Malkin wrote in “Pathological narcissism and politics: A lethal mix” (2017), “the heart of narcissism (is)… :entitlement, …acting as if the world and other people owe them and should bend to their will; exploitation, …using the  people around them to make themselves feel special, no matter what the emotional or even physical cost to others; and empathy-impairment, …neglecting and ignoring the needs and feelings of others, even those close to them, because their own, all-encompassing …need to feel special.

Drs. J. Zinner and B. Lee (2020) tendered: “They seek… greater power and celebrity; …seek infamy if celebrity cannot be achieved… are predisposed to being dangerous because of their brittle sense of worth. Unable to take responsibility for any errors, mistakes, or failings, they overcompensate by creating a grandiose image of themselves. Any slight or criticism is seen as a threat to their fragile self-image, and to cope with the resultant hollow and empty feelings, they react with narcissistic rage, which can be brutal and destructive for the perceived source of intimidation.” Bragging that he passed a mental competency test, Trump blurted “I’m more popular than Taylor Swift!”

Instead of celebrating his triumph in the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary, Trump went into extremely immature rant, belittling his primary opponent with inane grade-school name-calling, making catty comments about Nikki Haley’s dress. His MAGA club seemingly live in a cocoon, impervious to reason or truth, gleefully cheering their babbling idol’s ravings and brattish behavior.

Zinner and Lee add, “When a person repetitively cons others, lies, cheats, and manipulates to get what he wants, does not care whom he hurts as long as he gratifies himself, the indifference to the feelings of others for personal gain are signs to severe disturbance, sociopathy. The ability to sense the feelings of one another, …to avoid harming others is called empathy. This human characteristic is missing in sociopaths, together with an absence of guilt, easy manipulation, and controlling or even hurting others for power or pleasure. Trump is not ‘sly as a fox,’ he exhibits severe mental disturbance and lacks an essential part of being human.”

Three years ago, Laredo MAGA groupies invited Oath Keeper Stewart Rhodes here to speak. Rhodes was convicted and now incarcerated for conspiring in the January’s violent Capitol violent insurrection, mob action incited by Trump’s incoherent propaganda. About 500 other insurrectionists are likewise deservedly in prison. Trump is not a leader, he is a proven huckster, a demagogic conman who sways naïve audiences to do his bidding.

Local MAGA “leaders” appear to blindly follow and ignorantly support someone who neglects the wellbeing of American citizens. Living in a separate reality, Trump knows nothing of governing. His followers’ constricted worldview lacks rational thought, guided by nonsensical authoritarian ideology; reminiscent of the “Reverend” Jim Jones’ Peoples’ Temple, when over 900 cultists committed mass murder/suicide in 1978. David Koresh’s Branch Davidian cult likewise committed mass murder/suicide in 1993 in Waco. They foist stupendous falsehoods to control credulous people to do their bidding through ignorance, fear, and intimidation. Such zealotry constitutes overt evasion of law and order. They don’t have Americans’ liberties in mind. They connive to control and have power to recruit fellow Orwellian “useful idiots;” they reek of autocratic despotism. Rational leaders would not lie to scare or control people’s minds and lives. One should pursue emancipation from mental slavery, use rational critical thinking to solve real life problems and help all humanity, not just be power-hungry herd of like-thinkers.

Of all the things I value in life, I consider persons who love truth the dearest. Laredoans, please vote!

One thought on “Don’t vote for the adjudicated rapist who is a vitriolic defamer of women; Don’t vote for the mentally unfit man and his proclivities of sociopathy, pathological narcissism, and instigating others to violence

  1. Trumpy doesn’t drink alcohol but he sure chews and enjoys good candy. Add another charge on his big ass. Tankis Ms Guerra for ur time ur welcome to mine. Cuidate. Lv.