Local Republican Party shocked that criminal defendant Trump finally being held accountable by a duly empaneled New York Grand Jury for 34 felonies 

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So the local Republican Party is shocked that criminal Defendant Trump is finally being held accountable by a duly empaneled New York Grand Jury for 34 felonies. This is the same party that has run forever on “law and order.” Their hero led chants of “lock her up” for years. They insist he is being persecuted because he is again running for the highest office. He decided to announce two years before the election for precisely that reason. CYA? 

He is always begging for money. Why would a multi-billionaire who never pays taxes on his billions need to beg for money? To fuel his private jet? Or is it because he follows the famous saying of P.T. Barnum, “there is a sucker born every minute?” 

The most unqualified person in U.S. history to ever run for president won with the help of Russian interference. He surrounded himself with close family and future felons. Eight of them were convicted of various felonies. He then chose the most loyal of these convicts to pardon before being forced to slither away. He expected their silence in return. 

The 23(?) protestors carried signs reading Take America Back. Back to where and when? Republicans have already overturned Roe v. Wade thanks to their criminal defendant hero appointing incompetent and corrupt justices. Now we hear Justice Clarence Thomas and his insurrectionist wife have been accepting $500,000.00 trips and failing to report them. The laws could be changed to where Clarence and Ginny may find themselves in an illegal interracial marriage. Karma anyone? 

Concerning the recent flag-waiving event. Flag-waving is a fallacious argument or propaganda technique used to justify an action based on the undue connection to Nationalism or “Patriotism” or benefit for an idea, group or candidate. It is known as Argumentum Ad Populum (appeal to the people), claiming as truth or offering something as good because the “majority” thinks so. The headline “Flag-waving” event implies that if a group waves a few American flags, they deem their ideas very “patriotic.”  If you call out their foolishness you must be unpatriotic. In the 1930’s, thousands of Klansmen marched on Washington, D.C. bearing thousands of U.S. flags.  Many of their banners read America First. Sound familiar?

Republicans are turning more fascist-like daily. Governor Abbott threatens to arrest Democratic lawmakers for not showing up for anti-minority and anti-women votes.  DeSantis removed an elected District Attorney who refused to prosecute abortion cases.  Texas wants to remove a Democratic County Attorney in Corpus for similar reasons.  My way or the highway, say the Republican dictators.  Tennessee just expelled two young Democratic Representatives for joining a protest on gun violence.  They have just knocked over a hornet’s nest that will empower young voters to kick these modern-day Klansmen out.

The underlying issue in the New York indictment of Trump is that the accused fraudster paid $130,000.00 to a porn star to keep quiet to help him win the election.  He won in spite of his bragging what he loved to do to women because of who he is.  He defended it as locker room talk.  People still bought his lies, and he was voted in because of the antiquated Electoral College. 

A handful of Laredoans are outraged at the legal system when their darling gets charged. He flew from his $350,000,000.00 mansion in Florida to his NYC arraignment in his $100,000,000.00 private Boeing 757. Lindsey is begging for $5-10 donations for his legal defense.  Why is he always begging for money?  Because he knows that by playing the victim, he will receive millions from his gullible followers.

Every flag is a symbol of its country. The U.S. flag is said to stand for liberty and justice for all. The Trump protestors want liberty only for themselves and their authoritarian demands. They want religious “freedom” for their particular brand of religion. They want “justice” for themselves but not for any group they disagree with. They are anti-women’s rights and wish to return to the days of segregation.  They want anyone who does not look like them or think like them to be “put in their place.”. 

How an American political party could turn into an ignorant, seditionist hate mob is beyond me. How their leaders are Greene, Boebert, Gates, Cruz and McCarthy who voted against certifying the presidential electoral count on January 6th is heartbreaking and alarming. Trump’s historic indictment is but the first of many to follow.

The Laredo crowd still plans to vote for him if he is the Republican candidate – even if their candidate is in jail.  A note to Mr. de La Garza:  History, the Law, and Karma will not be kind to your choice of candidate. Vote for him, as is your right, in 2024.  Just be prepared to explain to your children and grandchildren at a family gathering someday soon exactly what qualities you most admire in this shallow individual. It has become painfully obvious that your idol is becoming more unhinged daily. His recent Tweets are all in caps accusing every prosecutor and judge in his many cases, of being racist, corrupt, radical, etc.

These rants show a person who is not in control. The only reason his legion of just-hired attorneys don’t stop him from his daily rants is they hope to use the defense of mental incompetence.  Today’s Republican party, State and Federal, seem hell-bent on a crusade to control every facet of American life. They want to control women’s health, bodies, and salaries. 

They want to control every facet of education from kindergarten to university. They want one parent, any parent, to have the ability to ban any book in public school because they are offended by it or consider it “inappropriate.” They want only their repugnant political party to control everyone’s life.  They want AR15’s in everyone’s hands “to keep us all safe.” 

We must all put an end to this madness. A government that can tell a woman that she must give birth no matter the circumstances, can then tell you NOT to have children at all. Like China, they can tell you how many kids and what sex of your child you can produce. If this authoritarian trend continues, we will have the GED scholar, Lauren Boebert, introducing a bill to make thinking illegal.

One thought on “Local Republican Party shocked that criminal defendant Trump finally being held accountable by a duly empaneled New York Grand Jury for 34 felonies 

  1. The only issue I have with your article is concerning the description of Lauren Boebert as a “GED scholar” . The problem I have with that statement is that it demeans a whole lot of folks, who for whatever circumstances life threw at them have ‘only’ managed a GED. I would never judge someone solely based on that, nor do I believe have you done so in the case of M. Boebert. She has demonstrated her ignorance admirably despite her GED. In her case, her profound ignorance is not as scary as her hate filled heart. People like her are sad reminders of the potential for human cruelty that reside in us.
    “Man’s inhumanity to man” continues unabated…or is it? Unabated, that is. I hope not.
    In my short time in Laredo, I have met many kind, good-hearted people, who are not afraid to extend the hand of friendship to their fellow citizens.