Trump urged the seditionists to breach the sanctity of the Capitol, and then he retired to the safety of his situation room to watch the insurrection on TV with his family

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Washington D.C. is an awe-inspiring city visited by millions every year. Everywhere you turn, history is present and reminds us of centuries of struggle to form a more perfect union. It is our lighthouse of liberty and on a hill sits the U.S. Capitol whose cornerstone was laid by George Washington in 1793 in a Masonic ceremony.  

The British Army torched it in 1814, but a rainstorm saved it from total destruction. Since its completion, 12 presidents, Supreme Court Justices and unknown soldiers of WWI and II and Vietnam have lain in state in the rotunda. It is a sacred institution where one walks the hallway in awe and respect.  

Unfortunately, this past week on January 6, 2021 an armed mob, inspired moments earlier, by our Commander in Chief stormed the Capitol where our elected representatives were there to certify the electoral votes in the Presidential race. It should have been a quick pro-forma ceremony that has been done countless times before, this time to certify the election for Joseph R. Biden, our next President.  

Hundreds of thousands of military men and women have given their lives and limbs to protect our country and the symbol of democracy. The Vietnam memorial is only two miles away and Arlington Cemetery a mere four miles.

Lady Justice if still weeping, Lady Liberty in New York Harbor is still weeping. Since 9/11 billions of dollars have been spent by the Government to “keep it safe” from foreign enemies and invaders. United Flight 93 that was brought down by courageous Americans was supposedly heading towards the U.S. Capitol.  

Homeland Security keeps track of millions of people in the United States and world-wide to prevent foreign terroristic attacks. Apparently, white domestic terrorists are given carte blanche. The big beautiful wall promised by this demagogue is still being constructed, next to our beloved Rio Grande, allegedly to keep out “bad hombres.” Our own George P. Kazen Federal Building once had snipers on the roof, a few years ago to ensure a “fair trial” for an alleged Mexican cartel member.  

The almost all-white mob were told by the President to go show the Congress who they were and promised he would walk right with them. There were no paramilitary officers in riot gear and no black helicopters overhead defending our majestic Capitol building. Since 1814, no foreign power has ever reached the Capitol, not during the Civil War, nor any of the world wars since. It took a rag-tag group of seditionists dressed like Duck Dynasty characters to break in and kill a D.C. policeman, cause an Air Force veteran to be shot and killed by the police, and move members of Congress to hide in their basements. What happened to Trump’s chants of Blue Lives Matter and respect the military?  

Instead of joining those he had promised to accompany to the Capitol, the brave President retired to his comfortable situation room, where he and all his family members watched the insurrection on T.V. while a rock song played in the background.  

He never ordered the National Guard to the Capitol, relying on V.P. Pence to order them an hour and a half later. Hours later he tweeted to the insurrectionists: “we love you, and you are very special.” Afterwards, he tweeted to them to be peaceful because this party represents “law and order.”  This is the same President that was demanding protestors to be shot on sight a year before because they happen to be black or brown.  

President Biden’s new Department of Justice will be very busy tracking down and prosecuting these violent insurrectionists who were astonishingly released without being immediately arrested on the spot and carted away to local jails. Now the F.B.I. is asking the public to help them identify a majority of these people. The question is how could the D.C. Police have allowed this to happen when the insurgents were telegraphing their intentions days before on social media? The President himself tweeted the date to all of his adoring followers. The day of the storming of the Capitol, Trump Tweeted “remember this day forever.”   

How could intelligence agencies, all stationed in Washington, have failed the Country and the Government so badly? Where were the F.B.I. informants that always infiltrate Klan groups and neo-Nazi groups? If the police recovered several weapons and pipe bombs after the smoke cleared, were these same people at the Trump rally outside of the White House? Where was the Secret Service at that rally? Or were they not worried because the crowd was all white? Why were the D.C. Police taking selfies with the mob inside the Capitol? Were most of the D.C. cops Trump sympathizers like most law enforcement here and all around the country? Would the D.C. cops have treated a black group or a Muslim group similarly?  

May I suggest the following crime for D.O.J. Investigators to start looking into:  (1) Rebellion and Insurrection; (2) Seditious Conspiracy; (3) Damage to Federal Property; (4) Use of Explosives; (5) Crossing State Lines to Commit Crimes 18 U.S.C. 2101; (6) Inciting a Riot. The U.S. Attorneys can immediately turn to 18 U.S.C. 2384, (Seditious Conspiracy) 18 U.S.C.2383; (Rebellion/Insurrection). Why were so many allowed to leave without incident, or having their heads split open like so many peaceful protestors in the past?  

Trump, Texas’ Ken Paxton, and Rudy Giuliani all spoke at the rally prior to the mob attack. Paxton is the Texas Attorney General and Giuliani is the former U.S. Attorney from New York. They are legally familiar with the following legal terms:  Conspiracy, Aiding and Abetting Others to Commit Crimes, Jointly Undertaken Criminal Activity, and Crimes that are Reasonably Foreseeable.

The man who invited this mob from parts unknown to march on the Capitol and make their presence known to Congressmen that were doing their job, the chief instigator, was the Chief Executive of the United States. 

The F.B.I. is asking the public for help in identifying the seditionists.  With cameras in every corner, especially around the Capitol, you are asking for help when you had them all there in front of you? The President. who just recently almost conceded, proclaimed with a pout he would not attend the inauguration. Someone has to ask him, “Who invited you?”  

This Chief Narcissist demanded he be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and that his likeness be added to Mount Rushmore. He is supposedly looking for property for his presidential library. His legacy will forever be the storming of the U.S. Capitol because he felt cheated out of four more years.  

The most despicable and shameless politician in Texas, besides Paxton, who is pending a five year indictment charge and is currently under an F.B.I. investigation, is Louie Gohmert, who asked for violence after losing in Court, and Ted Cruz, the Canadian/Cuban anti-immigrant. Even as the mob was outside trying to break down the doors of Congress, Cruz was actually tweeting a fund-raising message to his constituents.  

May the Congressional hearings on this unforgivable attack on democracy commence immediately. There will be no more Trump to order subordinates not to comply with legal subpoenas. No more 5th Amendment cowards. Another of his lasting legacy is that a great number of Republican rats are jumping the sinking ship daily.  

The damage he has inflicted on our once proud Republic is incalculable. He used his bully pulpit to destroy treaties, alliances, and reputations with malicious fervor. His supporters cheered him on at every stage and none dared call out his unconstitutional decrees because they were terrified of his wrath. It is of no matter if Trump is impeached anew, which he deserves, or whether Pence invokes the 25th Amendment to remove Trump for his obvious danger to the country. 

What is important is that Trump and his crime family face a plethora of criminal charges after January 20th for every crime they felt they could avoid because Daddy could pardon them. 


In Liberty,
David Almaraz 

One thought on “Trump urged the seditionists to breach the sanctity of the Capitol, and then he retired to the safety of his situation room to watch the insurrection on TV with his family

  1. Ha! The other night I had a dream looking into the future. In this dream the Trump Presidential Library caught fire! Both books burned, and one of them wasn’t even completely colored in yet!