When You Have A Dream

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January 20, 2020

Listen.  When you have a dream, there are always the sounds of water.
Whether it be the splashing of waves on a ship,
Whether it be both the treacherous and life giving waters of a river,
Whether it be a baptismal font
Whether it the waters of the Galilee or the Río Grande,
Whether it be sprinkles of holy water or rain drops on hungry land,
When you have a dream, you build bridges and not walls.
When you have a dream, you bolster families.
You reach up for a helping hand and reach back to those behind you.
When you have a dream your heart is filled with love,
When you have a dream, your soul guides your every move.
When you have a dream, you are tireless.
When you have a dream, you stand with dreamers.
When you have a dream you honor your ancestors.
When you have a dream, you come together.
When you have a dream, you march.
When you have a dream, you ignore impossible odds.
When you have a dream you make your voice heard.
When you have a dream, it transcends generations.
When you have a dream, you walk arm in arm.
When you have a dream, you gather in communion.
When you have a dream, you inspire others.
Listen to the sounds of the water around you.
When you have a dream, nothing is impossible.

(Click to enlarge)

Photos by Jesse Herrera

One thought on “When You Have A Dream

  1. Excellent, Armando. I am glad to have witnessed this exhibition of human caring.