Opening reception March 21 at Casa Daphne
Laredo Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorale presents Sounds of the Season
Dec. 8 performance includes a Christmas Carol Sing Along
LTGI in production for Steve Martin’s absurdist comedy Picasso at the Lapin Agile
Opening night: Jan. 16 at LC’s Shoebox Theater
Texas Shakespeare Festival’s Road Show presents Hamlet Wed., Oct. 16 at TAMIU
Kilgore College-based troupe returns for third year
Commentary & Opinion
LTGI’s Zoot Suit – The Pachuco asks: “This is 1942, or is it 1492?”
Oppression and racial scapegoating continue to this day, resurrected by the dark undercurrent of nativism that uses fear and lies to create division and hatred in America
TAMIU faculty concert kicks off Fall 2024 performance schedule Fri., Sept. 27 at CFPA Recital Hall
Admission is free and open to the public
LTGI’s production of Luis Valdez’s Zoot Suit chronicles injustices of historic 1940s Los Angeles riots fomented by systemic racism, civil rights abuses, and media influence on public opinion and the judiciary
Opening night Oct. 3; production runs through Oct. 13
Caminarte, Laredo’s first-Friday art walk, just got a new ride courtesy of La Posada Hotel
Longtime supporter of the arts, La Posada, begins shuttles with Fri., Sept. 6 Caminarte
Public invited to Grito de Independencia event Sun., Sept. 15 event at El Portal, 5 – 9 p.m.
Ceremony commemorates Mexican Independence from the rule of the Spanish Empire
LLT hosts auditions for Jack Thorne’s Let the Right One In Thurs., Aug. 22
Actors for 10 roles are sought