Commentary & Opinion
Immigrants driven from their homes by callous exploitation of Abbott and DeSantis
Aim of relocation was political gain, not benevolence
LareDOS[redux] (
Aim of relocation was political gain, not benevolence
I’ve learned this certainty: never lose sight of what’s important to you
True self-rule requires active participation through education and voting for honorable politicians, not the selfish loudmouth demagogues who lie, intimidate voters, and fail to rein the spread of military weaponry among civilians
We should make sure what we buy is produced in this country or in one that protects workers
The law can be just; it can be unjust, but doesn’t need authority of a sanctimonious clique
More women elected to Council could re-set civility, leave grandstanding at the door, and invite more informed discussion of issues
All Republicans who are responsible for this “banality of evil” do so cloaked in the American flag and carrying their Bibles and crosses
Evil loosed by the Supreme Court’s ruling will result in cruel consequences that don’t belong in the democracy of a world-leading nation.
The GOP platform: Its 275 talking points seem to have been authored by Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, and Rush Limbaugh, with help from Goebbels and Mussolini
Those who participated are undeniably traitorous enemies within our own borders