Too often we overlook the specificity of beauty in our daily lives: the clamor of synthetic busyness, interminable torrents of online information and rumor, the deceptions of AI
The Re-Con
Randy Koch’s map across ‘the rutted sea” to promises of bounty in the furrowed black earth of the Minnesota prairie
“How came we through the swells and troughs to rifle God’s pure grace?”
The Re-Con
The Long Way Home
I’ll likely be back this way; returning, after all, a way to gauge how little or how much I’ve changed
The Re-Con
Do pepper spray, batons, bullet-proof vests, shields, armored vehicles, concussion grenades, tear gas, and rubber bullets make police feel invincible and superior?
The words “police force” refer less to manpower than to the all-too-common methods of many officers
The Re-Con
Re: Reading – Read. Then, reread; and read what others say about what you’re reading, especially, read what the censors, book-banners, corporations, and governments don’t want you to read
You will not agree with or like all of it, but at least then you can decide what speaks to you honestly and thoughtfully, or what reeks like a late-night skunk or the cow shit you remember from your youth
The Re-Con
Quanta, or the late lights of summer
Because it takes nearly fifty years for light to travel between Draconis and Earth, he/she/it/they would see us not as we are but as we were in about December 1972
The Re-Con
Baseball: the joys of summer
The throwing arm smooth and fluid as a whip, the ball slung on a taut line, the cowhide hitting the leather of the glove with a solid thwack
The Re-Con
On Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court, and privacy: the governed do NOT derive their powers from the consent of the government
The stench of moral superiority drifts from the complaints of Justices Thomas and Roberts
The Re-Con
Ukraine’s Zelensky: “Show your standing, come from your offices, your homes, your schools and universities, come in the name of peace, come with Ukrainian symbols to support Ukraine.”
Ilya Kaminsky: “We Lived Happily during the War, and when they bombed other people’s houses, we // protested / but not enough, we opposed them but not / enough.”
The Re-Con
Abbrevns: the shorthand of census takers and archivists before typewriters; farewell to Joan Didion, the honest, incisive “try harder” patron saint of writers
Seditionist arrestees face aftermath of their compulsions; the 725 are but a fraction of the 2,000-plus rioters