The Re-Con
Accounting for Pagans
Taking the stairways of words and numbers to find those that count and retain meaning through time
LareDOS[redux] (
Taking the stairways of words and numbers to find those that count and retain meaning through time
Like the baby calf dropped at the edge of the wilderness, I move in small, tentative lurches toward a place yet known to me
Swastikas that Jimmy Clarken and other kids drew on their notebook covers no longer seemed like innocent doodles or attempts at teenage rebellion
We carry his story with us “woven into the stuff of our lives”
“In light of the circus playing daily in Washington with the head clown in the White House (except on weekends), I am hereby making a modest proposal.”
After the flood of 1954: DDT spraying, Diphtheria shots, and water rationing
County’s MO of demolition by neglect is a travesty for a building that pre-dates establishment of Webb County
Missives capture hopes and tender words