Past Perfect
I can’t remember not knowing Dick Ellis
We carry his story with us “woven into the stuff of our lives”
LareDOS[redux] (
We carry his story with us “woven into the stuff of our lives”
“In light of the circus playing daily in Washington with the head clown in the White House (except on weekends), I am hereby making a modest proposal.”
After the flood of 1954: DDT spraying, Diphtheria shots, and water rationing
County’s MO of demolition by neglect is a travesty for a building that pre-dates establishment of Webb County
Missives capture hopes and tender words
In winter, ice floes and the clear sense I’ve put myself in the way of the world
Wall to run through heart of City’s urban center
“It’s the question I’ve recently asked myself, one that most of us ignore because we can’t imagine that it actually concerns us.”