A true democratic republic requires all adult citizens participate in selecting responsible leadership
The world asks how we ever allowed Trump to become president
LareDOS[redux] (https://laredosnews.com/category/columns/page/5/)
The world asks how we ever allowed Trump to become president
The rest of the way home was still all uphill—as it likely is for all of us
If we are diligent in applying our constitutional rights, vigilant in watching our government’s actions. and effectively interjecting our own views into the system, we may perpetuate our democracy for our children.
dt proclaims that he loves the uneducated, and Americans, unable to recognize an insult revel in his and their own ignorance
Even when money is tight, markets are unreliable, and government is incompetent, ranchers and farmers can feed themselves
A gust of wind sent my hat sailing down the road like a tumbleweed. So much depended on that hat.
Don’t expect an appreciative smile when you start singing “As I walked down the streets of Laredo”