The Re-Con
I believe in the Second Amendment, the AR-15; the modification of arms; the resurrection of militias; and Guns everlasting
LareDOS[redux] (
Now headed home, the moon was like me on its way east; I expected we’d find each other in the morning
At the southern border, human migrants encounter threats and obstacles
“What happened that day was the inevitable outcome of his lies and consistently escalating rhetoric over the past four-plus years”
The long train was gone and with it, I hope, the diminishing rumble of ruin
The rest of the way home was still all uphill—as it likely is for all of us
dt proclaims that he loves the uneducated, and Americans, unable to recognize an insult revel in his and their own ignorance
Even when money is tight, markets are unreliable, and government is incompetent, ranchers and farmers can feed themselves