The Re-Con
Quanta, or the late lights of summer
Because it takes nearly fifty years for light to travel between Draconis and Earth, he/she/it/they would see us not as we are but as we were in about December 1972
LareDOS[redux] (
Because it takes nearly fifty years for light to travel between Draconis and Earth, he/she/it/they would see us not as we are but as we were in about December 1972
The throwing arm smooth and fluid as a whip, the ball slung on a taut line, the cowhide hitting the leather of the glove with a solid thwack
The stench of moral superiority drifts from the complaints of Justices Thomas and Roberts
Ilya Kaminsky: “We Lived Happily during the War, and when they bombed other people’s houses, we // protested / but not enough, we opposed them but not / enough.”
Seditionist arrestees face aftermath of their compulsions; the 725 are but a fraction of the 2,000-plus rioters
If we pay attention, we’ll find a glimmer slipping through the limbs, a bit of light that might cause us to see the truth beyond our own nose and with a clarity and steadfastness not afforded by blind belief or ignorance or excuses. Maybe. Just maybe it casts a trace of truth against the written house.
“Oh, you tiny Texas tyrants
in your frail white hide and drawl,
a-feared of women and all migrants
so you weaponize the law.”
Outside your front door climactic changes are altering life while too many people still stand by and watch