Vermeer: the girl

Too often we overlook the specificity of beauty in our daily lives: the clamor of synthetic busyness, interminable torrents of online information and rumor, the deceptions of AI

Consider this

Why invest in falsehoods rather than truth and in cruelty rather than compassion?
Why willingly deny ourselves and others our individual autonomy? And why ignore the explicit threats of a vain, vengeful autocrat who threatens and degrades, instigates conflict, and appeals to our basest, foulest instincts?

Out of Time

Gone: even fading friendships, the lapse of devotion, the failure of vows, and the mirage of ’til death do us part

Books become you

Why should I reread a book? To ache. To witness. To wonder. To delight. And to experience again others’ lives in order to enlarge our own. To make not just a living but a life worth living.