RGISC, property owners file illegal dumping complaint against concrete plant upriver of City’s intakes for municipal water delivery
Environmental assault: flow of Santa Isabel Creek — a tributary to the Río Grande — blocked
LareDOS[redux] (
Environmental assault: flow of Santa Isabel Creek — a tributary to the Río Grande — blocked
City poised to launch national search for De Leon’s replacement
USBP has funds to denude 16 acres of native flora; none to re-vegetate area to mitigate erosion
The odyssey’s compass point rested at Matagorda Bay
Habitat of migratory and native avian species: White collared seedeater, Blue bunting, Morelet’s seedeater, Amazon kingfisher, Cedar Waxwing, Black necked stilt, Ringed kingfisher
Candidate uses “retard” to describe people who are different from him
Perez’s qualifications far outpace those of incumbent Vidal Rodriguez
Oh, but that endorsements meant
you were the best person for the job
Video captures unfettered vitriol