Submission deadline for Laredo Poetry Festival is Feb.7; 22nd Annual Festival scheduled for April 26

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The deadline for submissions for the 22nd Annual Laredo Poetry Festival is Friday, February 7.

A registration form, which is available at, is required to accompany the submission. Criteria for submission is also available at the site. Submissions can be hand delivered at the library or online.

Sponsors are the Laredo Public Library, Texas A&M International University, Laredo College, Laredo Independent School District, and United Independent School District.

“Dreams and aspirations” is the theme for the 22nd annual Poetry Festival. The contest is open to students from LISD, UISD, private schools, as well as home schooled students and adults 18 and over

The festival will take place Saturday, April 26 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Joe A. Guerra Laredo Public Library. The top three winners in each category will read their poems.

View the contest rules by clicking on the attached poster or going to the above website.

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