Tues., Sept. 17 is National Voter Registration Day

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A City-wide initiative to turn out the vote in greater numbers in the November 2024 elections is underway with the ”Laredo Votes 2024” campaign. Mayor Dr. Victor Treviño recently announced the information-based effort to create awareness of deadlines to register to vote as well as how and where to register.

The purpose of the “Laredo Votes 2024” campaign is to register Laredoans of age-voting status to empower them to make their voices heard at the ballot box. The campaign will also inform the public of dates for early voting and voting sites.

Laredo Votes 2024” will unfold in three phases: Voter Registration from September 17 to October 7; early Voting from October 21 to November 1; and Election Day, November 5. The campaign will be highly visible throughout the City on billboards, bus stop shelters, social media, newspapers, television, radio, and more. The ultimate goal is to reach as many residents as possible, ensuring that they have the information they need to participate in this election.

A key element of the campaign will be block-walking in districts identified by Mayor Treviño as having low voter turnout. Two dates for block-walking events are scheduled for Thursday, September 19 and Thursday, October 17.

As the initiative rolls out, the City’s Public Information Office will encourage voters to post selfies with their “I Voted” stickers on social media during Early Voting and Election Day to increase voter participation and community involvement. Participants could receive a goodie bag filled with items to celebrate their civic duty.

To have this message reach more people, the City invites the community to share all official social media posts, videos, and messaging, including the hashtag “#LaredoVotes2024.”

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