Elected drivellers Trump, Cruz, Paxton, Patrick, and their Laredo imitators and inferiors care little of citizens’ prosperity; their focus is reelection

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Free speech is necessary to sustain a prosperous democracy. The Internet has proven a fantastic way for humans to share data almost instantly. However, pervasive misinformation and disinformation from malevolent abusers infects naïve and benighted citizens’ minds. Falsehoods and misleading statements endanger American democracy and erodes civil and human rights, resulting in a herd or mob mentality, as evinced by MAGA fanatics.

Republican-sponsored voting restrictions, extensive gerrymandering, dangerous movements like the Oath Keepers and repressive authoritarianism send our freedoms spiraling downward. Elected drivellers like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Ken Paxton, Dan Patrick, and their Laredo imitators and inferiors are irresponsible and care little of citizens’ prosperity; their short terms mean they give constant attention to reelection as they take donations bordering on bribery to remain in power. Rich bankers, oilmen, ranchers, and corporate CEO patrones eagerly want more Republican rule, dictating to their underlings how to vote. With their lust for power, some politicians ignore their offices’ oaths and their constitutional obligation to prioritize our nation’s prosperity. Trump followers prefer despotic authoritarians to do their thinking for them instead of electing honorable true leaders.

Reading the ludicrous statements of Laredo’s Republican “leadership” inanely parroting their handlers’ propaganda is shameful, but not as senseless as the vast majority to Webb County eligible citizens not voting. People cynically allying with political brutes continue babbling MAGA mendacity in steady enmity to the corruption of liberty, peace, and human dignity. They are so eager for power and intolerant of opposition that they undeniably display childish vanity – a bunch of gofers lacking intelligence and dignity, they try to rule over half-wits who believe their propaganda. How can any reasonable citizen, a person who believes in our Constitution, even think the Mar-a-Lago Ogre should return to power? If they can read, Yale psychiatrist Dr. Bandy X. Lee’s “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” a compilation of twenty-seven professional psychiatrists’ and psychologists’ diagnostic opinions of their idol’s erratic pathologic narcissism would open their minds. His capricious mental symptoms have been overt for years: misogyny, blind egoism, lust for power, excessive need for unearned admiration, shaming those who do not agree with him as ‘losers’, using others to do his bidding while denying responsibility and playing the pitiful persecuted victim when he loses.

Three weeks in Europe in November allowed me to converse with Norwegians, Germans, French, Chinese, Venezuelans, Britons, Irish, Scots, and Spaniards. Acknowledging their own nations’ social problems, lengthy discussions demonstrated extensive knowledge of and concern for the tribalization presently afflicting in the United States. A retired physician in Malaga and his family, plus a Madrid bank officer and his wife asked how Americans allowed an ignorant bully like Trump to the Presidency. Several asked why he is not incarcerated for his overt traitorous activities. “Americans must take care of their democracy. Spain experienced a thirty-six-years of extremely repressive dictatorship. Surely people learn from history.” If only.

Listening to and reading local MAGA zealots’ anility and Trump rallies on TV demonstrates overt mob mentality. They reach conclusions by emotion instead of logic; a grossly un-American minority whose interest in fellow citizens’ wellbeing is scant, inaccurate, and wanting. These people, led by characters like local Republican Party leader Luis de la Garza and convicted insurrectionist Elmer S. Rhodes’ buddy Pastor Jorge Tovar, evince susceptibility to skilled demagogic rabble-rousers, animated by the sole motive of ousting responsible elected officers and getting their candidates into power. The way Trump organized and riled thousands to violent insurrection is a prime example of that. Citizens must see this as subversive of good government. It is this crowd mentality that joyfully promotes the most inapt candidates, ones pushing vague, boastful lies, shortest on sense seem brilliant in their eyes.

Unfortunately, leaders with resolute fidelity to moral ideas and skills to stay all prejudice and weaknesses of the mob are rare. Instead of inciteful demagogic propagandists, our democratic republic needs men and women who are fair and able. The MAGA mob leans away from the soundest logic or humane purpose for government. They follow the loudest noise. Now we have to deal with violent fanatics who seek to force their craze upon government. What we should guard against are advocates who attack the foundation of democracy. Trump’s fringe acolytes are un-American, not real Republicans. They seem obedient members of a despotic herd – not unlike the half-witted drones who listen and throw money at crackpot evangelical Sunday pastors. There seems to be no one who can actually think for him- or herself. They are often, knowingly or ignorantly, willfully faithful to hate groups; perhaps approving attacks on our government. They live their lives under dictates controlling every detail of their public and private conduct, fearing punishment if they disobey the bad rules of appalling rigor, obeying their leaders who behave like prison guards or animal trainers. They succumb to imbecilic internet propaganda without questioning sources.

The question remains. Why have political campaigns become so dirty? Why do MAGA fanatics sacrifice their self-respect to destroy the self-respect of other aspirants to office? Everything seems based on fears and abasements. Otherwise good Americans appear lacking room for intelligence; an original idea seems dangerous to them and carries strict regimentation in dress, customs, political and religious doctrines to an extreme, especially the involvement of Christian nationalists, these so-called evangelicals who act more like the outhouse of honorable religion.

It seems that Americans live fearing each other today. It may sound harsh, but other nations view Americans as having national vanity. Here more than anywhere else, the general consent of the majority seems weakened by the ideas and prejudices of an inferior loudmouthed minority. We seem to sacrifice real democracy to mob emotions. The whole country seems to run on mob emotion; there is no conflict, just a succession of crazes. In no other country is it so socially costly to be one’s own man or woman.

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