Teacher, Veteran, head of household Maxine Rebeles announces candidacy for City Council District I

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Educator and U.S. Navy veteran Maxine Rebeles is in the run for City council District 1.

“I am running because the basic needs of affordable housing, clean water, and enough water are not being met. These are not just talking points. I’m here to take action and advocate for District 1,” she said, adding that she hopes that her campaign encourages District 1 residents not only to vote on Nov. 8, but to also remain actively engaged in speaking up and asking for the District’s needs.

“For too long we have accepted what has been done and continues to be done to our families at the expense of a healthy life,” she said, adding, “District 1 families have been ignored by the current corrupt establishment.”

Rebeles, who grew up in Las Cantaranas and is a graduate of Martin High School, joined the Navy after 9/11. “I knew my country needed me to step up, just as I am stepping up and standing up for District 1 and my community. I am a proud member of Vets for the People, which organizes veterans and military families to support candidates who put people over profits.” 

She is an advisory board member of the Rio Grande International Study Center (RGISC), the Laredo Clean Air Coalition, and the Sierra Club “in the fight back against the ongoing pollution of our water and air.” Rebeles is also an active member of the No Border Wall Coalition, through which she organized to successfully have the Laredo City Council pass a resolution opposing the construction of the wall. “I have dedicated my time, volunteering, weekdays and weekends, because I know the importance of being involved in the community,” she said.

To learn more about Maxine Rebeles’ platform, visit Rebelesforlaredo.com and follow on social media at ‘Maxine Rebeles for Laredo’ on Facebook, as well as rebelesforlaredo on Instagram.

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