Lights of Hope will take place on Saturday, May 29, from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at North Central Park in the Chimayo Road area. Family members of victims are invited to participate in the ceremony and may register and learn more details at or by calling (956) 794-1650. Parking will be available at the main entrance of the park, 10202 International Blvd. There will also be Park and Ride offered by El Metro will provide park and ride services to the event from Walmart at 2615 Bob Bullock-Loop 20, and the parking lot adjacent to Cavender’s on Monarch Drive. The Park and Ride route will run continuously from 7:00 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Attendees are asked to dress in white and to respect social distancing protocols. Each attending family will be assigned a space and given a remembrance package. The event will begin with a memorial tribute and a walk. A laser light show will conclude the event.