All the competition entries will be on exhibit throughout the months of December and January at the Villa Antigua® Border Heritage Museum, 810 Zaragoza St. The Border Heritage Museum is open Tuesday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. COVID-19 restrictions are in place and the museum reserves the right to restrict entry if necessary.
The Webb County Heritage Foundation acknowledges the work of all the talented photographers who participated in this competition. Eugene Ruiz’ photo of “Canseco House and Community Gardens” was selected as the First Place winner, and is featured on the cover of the 2021 Historic Laredo calendar. Ernesto Gonzalez’ photograph of the “Texas A&M International University” won Second Place, and Mariela Molano’s photo of “Webb County Courthouse” won Third Place.

Eugene-Ruiz – Canseco House and Community Gardens

Ernesto Gonzalez – TAMIU

Mariela Molano – Webb County Courthouse
Additional photographers whose photos were chosen to be featured in the 2021 Calendar are Clarissa Astudillo, Nicolas Banda, Emmy Calzadias, Roosevelt Delgado, Rolando Gallegos, Ann Macdonald, Francisco Mendoza, Alejandra Saenz, Raul Seca Jr., and Ana Gabriela Villarreal.
Photos selected for the calendar were judged among entries submitted to the Foundation’s Historic Laredo Photo Competition conducted last summer. The Photo Competition was designed to foster a greater appreciation of the region’s historic architecture, significant landmarks, and other notable historical features. In addition, the calendar features some of the important dates in Laredo’s history which serve as a convenient educational tool.
For more information, please contact the Webb County Heritage Foundation at or (956) 727-0977.