Volunteers are invited to pick up trash in their neighborhoods and in nearby parks and trails on their own time and in their own safe space.
KLB is providing free clean-up kits for drive-through or curbside pick-up at the City’s Environmental Services Department at 619 Reynolds (Cedar at Reynolds). They are available through Nov. 6.
Participating volunteers are asked to self-report their cleanup efforts by posting video and photos at hashtag #KLBSafeandSolo. They are also asked to fill out an electronic litter survey. KLB will award them community service hours credit via email or snail mail.
KLB has taken volunteer safety and wellness into account in organizing this cleanup effort. Organizers are cognizant that a stay-at-home emergency order is in effect and that COVID 19 operating parameters prohibit group gatherings.
A small, informal survey about staging this KLB service event yielded decisive results. Of 164 respondents to the survey 94% showed interest in KLB volunteer events, and 93% said they were willing to participate in a cleanup project that promotes social distancing.
KLB emphasizes and prioritizes personal safety that allows individuals or family groups to participate over the seven weeks of the cleanup. Literature in the cleanup kit discusses social distancing, and includes masks, gloves, and trash bags. Other literature promotes safe practices for solo-litter collection and safe disposal of all PPE (personal protective equipment.)
Volunteers can stop by the Environmental Services Department any weekday, Monday through Friday, 8 AM – 5 PM, for the kits, which are available while supplies last. A Saturday drive-through distribution for kits is planned for a later date. Please check KLB’s Facebook page for that information.
Contact KLB directly at 956-794-1650 or keeplaredobeautiful@ci.laredo.tx.us.