City of Laredo: possible low Chlorine levels downtown

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In an effort to maintain water quality during a time that few businesses are open (and less water is being used/circulated), the City of Laredo Utilities Department will begin flushing water lines in the downtown area along Iturbide and Farragut streets and the El Azteca Neighborhood. This may result in low water pressure for residents in those areas for up to 24 hours. 

Workers will be conducting water quality tests during this time. The issue stems from low chlorine readings in the public water system in these areas that is below TCEQ standards.

The Utilities Department is working to bring levels back to standard through a process known as flushing. This should bring levels back to normal and may cause temporary low water pressure.

If these measures are not successful, a boil water notice will be issued no later than 6:00 p.m. on Friday, July 3, 2020.

Please call 3-1-1 for any questions or concerns.

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