The public is invited to view all the competition entries, which are on exhibit through the month of December. The 2020 Historic Laredo calendar will be unveiled that evening and will be available for sale to the public.
The Webb County Heritage Foundation wishes to acknowledge the work of all the talented photographers who participated in this competition. Julie Gutierrez’ photo of “Lake Casa Blanca” was selected as the First Place winner, and is featured on the cover of the calendar. Ernesto Gonzalez’ photograph of the “Plaza Theatre” won Second Place, and Maritza Bautista’s photo “1300 Block Grant Street” won Third Place.
Photos selected for the calendar were judged among entries submitted to the Foundation’s Historic Laredo Photo Competition conducted last summer. The annual Photo Competition is designed to foster a greater appreciation of the region’s historic architecture, significant landmarks, and other notable historical features.
In addition, the calendar features some of the important dates in Laredo’s history which serve as a convenient educational tool.
For more information, please contact the Webb County Heritage Foundation at www.webbheritage.org or (956) 727-0977.