“Our Precious Earth” is the central theme of the 16th Annual Poetry Festival sponsored by the Laredo Public Library, the Diocese of Laredo Catholic Schools, Friends of the Library, Laredo College, Texas A & M International University, Laredo Independent School District, and United Independent School District.
The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, March 5.
Rules for the contest follow:
- Poems must be original; plagiarized poems will be disqualified.
- Poems may be written in any format.
- Poems should be no longer than two pages, double-spaced.
- Submit two copies of your poem, one with no name on it.
- Only one entry per individual will be accepted; co-authored poems will be accepted.
- No poem will be accepted through fax.
- The application form needs to be filled out.
- The parents or legal guardian must fill out the Release Form for students under 18.
Writers can consider a theme other than that of the contest. Poems can be submitted in English or in Spanish. The contest is open to all students and adults over 18. Contestants will be divided by age and grade level.
The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, March 5, 2019 by 6:00 p.m. at the Laredo Public Library (Main branch). Three to seven judges in each group will review all poems and select the top three winners and honorable mention recipients.
The top three winners in each group will read their poems and receive prizes and gift bags at a reception on Saturday, April 27, 2019 in the multi-purpose room of the Joe A. Guerra Laredo Public Library.
Honorable Mention winners will receive gift bags and have the option to read their poems. All participants will receive certificates of participation.
For further information contact Roxanne Garza at the Laredo Public Library at(956) 795-2400 Ext 2526 or at rgarza1@ci.laredo.tx.us